FAQ: Shopping for SuperMemo

If you have a question about purchasing SuperMemo, do not hesitate to ask
This is an archive file (1998-2022).
For new questions see: Shopping FAQ at SuperMemopedia
See also: Installation FAQ
See also: Installation FAQ
See also: Installation FAQ

    See also:

  1. Installation FAQ
  2. Yahoo Stores FAQ (e.g. questions about order security)
  3. SuperMemo FAQs (other questions related to SuperMemo)

How can I order SuperMemo?
(Sharon Genest, USA, Apr 14, 1997)
How can I order SuperMemo products via the Internet?
Go to SuperMemo Store and place your secure order on-line

You can download SuperMemo immediately after making a purchase
(Clifford Tan, Wed, Aug 01, 2001 14:19)
Will I be prompted for a download via the Internet immediately after I've made my purchase?
Yes. Once you place an order, you will be prompted to make a download. You will also be able to download at a later time or from another location

What is the exact billing charge?
George Exarhos, Canada, Oct 16, 1998)

My question is regarding the $66 cost for SuperMemo. I would be ordering from Canada and was wondering what the final billing charge would be?
SuperMemo World does not charge any implicit fees. The billing charge should be US $66. However there can be additional charge on you credit card related to the International Transaction Fee also named foreign conversion fee. These International Fees are charged by issuing-banks to cardholders who make purchases outside of the United States and they are not related to our company. There might also be minor deviations due to the obligatory price conversion to Polish zloty. If the exchange rate was to change significantly between credit card authorization and the actual transaction (usually less than 2 days), the actual charge might differ. We prefer to err on the safe side and always use an undervalued conversion. This way the difference will most likely be to your advantage

What if I specify a wrong e-mail address?
(Marc Ryan, USA, Nov 20, 1998)
I have specified a wrong e-mail address while ordering SuperMemo. What shall I do?
Write to us to obtain further instructions. Your records will be updated manually

We never give your e-mail address away
(Gregory K., Wed, Jun 05, 2002 16:26)
Please do not give my email address to anyone else. My address is clear of junk mail
We never do it. Please see: Privacy Statement

SuperMemo Store uses US dollars as the currency
(Clifford Tan, Wed, Aug 01, 2001 14:19)
I wanted to place an order for SuperMemo, but would like to know whether the cost is in US dollars or other currency
All prices at www.super-memo.com are listed in US dollars

We process most of mail within a business day
(Kenjin1998, UK, Sun, Jun 24, 2001 18:53)
I have been waiting quite long for your reply to my order inquiry
We try to respond to all important inquiries within a business day. If we are unable to respond to difficult technical questions, we try to notify you that a case has been opened. Occasionally e-mail gets lost, misrouted, or intercepted by spam filters. In addition, our responses often bounce back due to various delivery problems. If you do not receive any feedback within 2-3 days, please simply write again. Note also that some questions may receive lower priority if they have already been answered previously in FAQs

SuperMemo Store uses 128-bit SSL encryption

What kind of security do you use in your SuperMemo Store?
Stronghold secure server using 128-bit SSL encryption

Why there is no secure connection icon?
(Richard Hardstein, USA, Sep 2, 1998)
I wanted to upgrade to new SuperMemo, but when I enter SuperMemo Store, I get no icon indicating secure pages in my browser. Is there a problem with your transaction server?
SuperMemo Store is hosted by reputable Aabaco Small Business from Yahoo! and security problems are highly unlikely. Please check if you do not have SuperMemo Store nested in an HTML frame (i.e. a subwindow created inside the browser). If this is the case, or if you are not sure, simply type www.super-memo.com in the address field (or click here: www.super-memo.com)

Do I get an invoice via paper mail?
(J.P. de Vries, The Netherlands, Nov 5, 1998)
Do I get an invoice for downloadable material? Do I get it via paper mail?
You can receive an invoice if you specifically ask for it

I cannot place an order due to server errors
(Lutz Gutknecht, Germany, Nov 30, 1998)
I cannot order SuperMemo 17! When I click Order I receive the following message:

https://st4yahoo.com/cgi-bin/wg-order?supermemo+supermemo17 cannot be opened
You must make sure you are not trying to download from behind a firewall. Some corporations install firewalls that prevent downloading potentially damaging material to your computer. All executable material belongs to this category. Please see also if your browser is not outdated. Try repeating the procedure from home.

There are several reasons for which you may not have received order confirmation
(hfleiman, Wed, Jan 09, 2002 8:51)
I did not receive an immediate confirmation from you when I ordered SuperMemo
The confirmation is sent automatically by our store software. There are three basic reasons for the lack of immediate order confirmation (in order of decreasing probability): 

  1. You have misspelled your e-mail address on the order form 
  2. You have unchecked Send e-mail confirmation on your order form 
  3. There were delivery problems with your e-mail address 

If you do not receive a confirmation, it is recommended that you send a separate e-mail with a request to verify your return e-mail address. If you do not receive any feedback within 2-3 business days, please write again and list your phone number. Rarely, mail bounces repeatedly from customer-specified addresses and we are unable to get in touch otherwise than by phone

Do I get software before or after payment?
(Said Hussein Yasin, Switzerland, Nov 19, 1998)
If I pay by bank transfer, do I get SuperMemo before you actually receive a confirmation from your bank or already after faxing the proof?
We send download instructions only after receiving the confirmation from the bank. Very often, the payment proof in foreign language is entirely illegible or unintelligible. We tried to use different rules in the past, but not all customers kept their payment promise

Double orders are always subject to verification
(chaotica, Mon, Feb 04, 2002 15:18)
Sorry to bother you guys again, but I mistakenly double-ordered several days later, thinking that my first order didn't go through. Please cancel it and if you've pulled the extra order money already, please refund it
Doubled orders are detected automatically and verified for possible customer or network errors. In such circumstances, PayPal accounts will show charges followed by a refund. The duplicated order is removed from the records

There are many ways to use SuperMemo free or get the newest version cheap
(michael, Thu, Dec 13, 2001 5:58 PM)
I hate to write this kind of letter but I could not afford to buy your software
You do not need to pay for SuperMemo to use it. Your options range from using freeware to getting the newest version in return for contributing your own learning material. For more details write to us

Why do I get a cookie when placing an order?

Why do I get a cookie when placing an order?
Cookies are needed to keep track of your shopping cart

What is the pricing for networks and site licenses?
(David MacKenzie, New Zealand, Apr 24, 1998)
What is the pricing for network installations and site licenses?
Note that SuperMemo for Windows is not adapted for multi-user access. Each of the users in a network installation will have to keep his or her own separate learning material and a separate learning process. This approach is quite space consuming.
The pricing for SuperMemo 17 network installations is: $60 for 5 terminals, $90 for 10 terminals, $120 for 20, $200 for 50, $300 for 100, $400 for 500 and negotiable above that number. The same refers to site licenses and the number of individual users

Why is SuperMemo so cheap?
(Mark Gillen, USA, Dec 8, 1997)
Is $xx all you have to pay for SuperMemo yyyy?

The price listed at www.super-memo.com is all you have to pay. We nearly never increase prices. We always substantially reduce prices of older versions of SuperMemo. Ultimately, we release them all as freeware

Overcharges due to exchange rate fluctuations are extremely rare
(Ronald K., USA Educational, Thursday, May 12, 2005 7:03 PM)
I just received my credit card bill and I found that you charged me for $40.33 instead of $39. I am very upset about that! I am asking you to put back my $1.33 to my credit card
Due to possible fluctuations in exchange rates, the actual price is slightly less than marked and the actual charge is usually underestimated. However, if there is a sudden increase in the price of Polish currency between the times of credit card authorization and capture, this underestimation may not be enough. Those cases are extremely rare. Customers who report an overcharge, immediately receive a refund amounting to double the value of the overcharge

SuperMemo on CD-ROM
(Robert P. Miller, , Oct 03, 2009, 22:48:06)
I am interested in purchasing the latest version of Supermemo for Windows. However, I would prefer a CD-ROM rather than downloading the software. Could I receive a copy via conventional mail?
As of SuperMemo 2000, we no longer release standalone SuperMemos on CDs/DVDs. The reasons are as follows: 

You can still obtain new SuperMemos in the multimedia line on DVDs along with cheap multimedia learning courses (e.g. SuperMemo UX for learning Spanish, etc.).

You can place a new order in case of a wrong choice
I clicked on Order SuperMemo 17 but after I downloaded the software I found I already had SuperMemo 16 from a previous order. What can I do now?
It is enough you place a new order for SuperMemo Upgrade (the previous order will be cancelled). It would be helpful if you left a comment in the comments field and independently confirmed your intentions by sending an e-mail. Duplicated orders are always verified to clarify the intent of the customer

I could not download five times (and more)!
(Lawrence W.N. Geung, UK, Oct 5, 1998)
I ordered SuperMemo and failed to download five times. I do not know if I would be charged twice if I placed another order. What shall I do?

  1. We always verify repeat orders and you would not be charged twice unless this was your specific wish
  2. If your problems persist, please write to us

You should save the downloaded files instead of opening it
I have problems with downloading SuperMemo: 

  1. I click Download now button on your website's order page 
  2. SuperMemo downloads 
  3. I click Open
  4. The monitor screen turns completely black for about a second 
  5. A window opens up "C:\SM17\SM17~1.EXE" -- this window only appears for a second 
  6. All this takes me right back to where I started

Instead of Open, use Save. Follow the instructions described here

Missing download file
(Dr. Urs Wirthmueller, Switzerland, Wed, Jul 03, 2002 9:34)
Download after purchase did not work! Please correct this
Here are some likely explanations: 

  1. you missed the download icon that should show on the page displayed immediately upon the purchase 
  2. there is a problem with your browser (e.g. it does not allow of the default download protocol) 
  3. you are trying to download from behind a corporate firewall that disallows of executable downloads
  4. there has been a transient problem at Yahoo servers 

See download problems tips. The simplest remedy is repeat the purchase and ask for the original order to be cancelled. If the problem persists, you might try to use another computer (e.g. from your colleague's home). Try to avoid downloading from behind the same firewall (as you may hit the same download problem). You can also request download instructions via mail.

See file size in case of multiple download failures
(Lazaros Nikiforidis, Greece, Fri, 21 Jun 2002 23:07:35)
I have downloaded SuperMemo many times, but it doesn't seem to work. I get the same message, that Windows can't run a 16 bit program.
If repeated download produces the same error consistently, you can suspect a problem with software you use for downloading SuperMemo. Compare the sizes of files of SuperMemo on the server and on your computer. If they differ, try using different software for download (e.g. different browser or a different FTP application). See if you can download other pieces of software with the same protocol (http, ftp, etc.). Many similar problems are caused by outdated browsers, system errors, personal or corporate firewall, proxy server, or problems at your ISP. If you still have problems, try to download on another computer. If the file size is correct, you can also use the other computer to run the file you have downloaded to ultimately answer if the problem is with the download (downloaded file does not run anywhere) or with the operating system (downloaded file works ok on other PCs). Ultimately, downloading and running SuperMemo on another PC gives you a 99% chance of resolving the problem. This comes from the fact that download or execution problems are extremely rare. However, try to avoid using the same ISP or the same corporate network protected with the same firewall as these could run you into the same problem

If you forget to download, you can download later
(jdpotocki, Luxembourg, Dec 03, 2004, 17:51:15)
After I ordered SuperMemo, I hit Continue without realizing that I needed to download the files immediately. Now I just can't find anywhere how to download the programs I purchased
You can request download instructions via mail.

If you miss a download, you can always download later (#13140)
(Szymon Chwaliuski, Tuesday, March 06, 2007 12:46 PM)
I forgot to click Download to get SuperMemo after having paid for it. Now as my cart is empty, and I cannot use download option anymore. All I can see when I click Download now is: 
Experiencing temporary system problem. 
Your cart and shopper data may not have been saved. 
An Order ID must be specified
If you request it, you will receive FTP download instructions within a business day. Unfortunately, the problem with empty cart occurs quite often at Aabaco Small Business from Yahoo!. In similar cases, you can also order again and write "DOWNLOAD PROBLEMS" in the comment field. Your order will be cancelled. The charge on your PayPal account will be followed by a refund (executed within a business day)

Program is too big to fit in memory
(Kjel Andresen, Norway, Oct 14, 1998)
I have downloaded SuperMemo but I get an error message when the program starts: Program too big to fit in memory. Do you have some explanation?
This is a typical symptom of a corrupted EXE file. Probably your download was not successful. Please download again and compare the sizes of files on your hard disk and on the server. See also: Cannot unzip

Program terminates while unzipping
Mike Johnson, UK, Dec 30, 1998)

I downloaded SuperMemo. However, the unzip was not able to rebuild a file and terminated itself. This caused fatal errors when trying to run the program. I tried the download and unzip again and found the same error. Please can you advise?
This happens occasionally. Usually erroneous file transfer stands behind this problem. You might investigate if your browser is up-to-date, and if there are no glitches at your ISP. In most cases, the simplest solution is to download from another location (e.g. from home)
See also: Program too big

Unzip problems indicate a download error 
I downloaded SuperMemo. When I double-click on sm17zip.exe, then click OK, it says Unzip NOT successful!
Problems with unzipping the downloaded file usually result from errors in download. Most importantly, please compare the size of the downloaded file with the original. On occasion, the downloaded file happens to be several bytes shorter. The simplest remedy is to repeat the download. If this does not help, the problem may be with the browser setting and downloading from another location may help. Please write to us if you continue having problems

You do not need to download SuperMemo twice
William McGee, USA, Aug 14, 1998)

I have run out of my credit in SuperMemo and have ordered the full version via SuperMemo Store. Do I have to download again?

No. Just use File : Installation : Input password and input the unlock password you have received in response to your order. Read more: Registering SuperMemo

I get plug-in errors when trying to download
(Andy Kereky, USA, Dec 15, 1998)
I tried to download SuperMemo from your web page and received a "Plugin Error" window with the message:
"The data that the plugin requested, did not download successfully". Can you help?
We would suspect that you were using either an obscure or older version of a web browser -- or you merely experienced a transient problem caused by the browser, or a problem on the Internet between your ISP and Aabaco Small Business from Yahoo! servers. The problem should not persist


Download problems (e.g. download terminates prematurely)

Any number of things can cause a download to be terminated pre-maturely. We would need the exact text of any error messages you receive, as well as the browser version and type, to try and determine the problem.

In general, some browsers experience problems transferring files because they have incorrect JavaScript settings. This can happen even if the location that is sending the files does not use JavaScript for file transfers (as is the case with SuperMemo Store). If you have difficulties with uploading and downloading files or attachments, it may be that JavaScript is disabled on your browser.

In Mozilla Firefox, you should choose Options... from the Tools menu. Then choose the Content tab and make sure the box next to Enable JavaScript is checked.

In Microsoft Internet Explorer, you should choose Internet Options from the Tools menu and then click on the Security tab. You should then make sure the box next to Run ActiveX scripts is checked.

Other possible causes for a download to be prematurely terminated might be a problem on the Internet between your ISP and your computer or between your ISP and Aabaco Small Business from Yahoo! servers, you could have a corrupted browser, or your browser could have chosen to terminate the download because it has run out of memory or is experiencing some other problem. There is no solution available for the first cases except to wait it out and see if the problem is resolved by whichever ISP or phone company is responsible for repairing the problem. If your browser is corrupted, the only solutions are to use a different browser or to re-install the browser. If the browser is running out of memory, it can help to clear the browser's cache and/or increase the size of your computer's swap file, instructions for both of which should be found in the browser or Windows help.

Please note that these are only some of the general problems that can occur while on the Internet. The Aabaco Small Business from Yahoo! software which runs SuperMemo Store currently allows 5 attempts at downloading a purchased softgood (i.e. SuperMemo or learning material). If you run out of attempts, please write

Why cannot get my software? (#5435)
(Steve Roberts, Aug 16, 2005, 00:40:20)
This is riduclous. You have my money and I cannot get SuperMemo. I have never had problems like this. I click download and the site says it has no record of my order. Have the courtesy to give me adequate directions
If you have any problems with downloads, you can always send us an e-mail and you will receive all necessary help. In your particular case, the period between the purchase and the attempt to download was too long.

Where is the download button
(John Hansen, Wednesday, November 11, 2009 12:40 PM)
I'm sorry but I can't find the download button on your webpage to download supermemo. Be advised I am currently in China and maybe it has to do with their firewall or something. Not all web stuff seems to work reliably over here
If you fail to download during the purchase, you can always receive download instructions later via e-mail (use the confirmation of your order to get in touch). You can also find various emergency instructions here (incl. how to redownload). Note that for unclear reasons, Aabaco Small Business from Yahoo! opted to place the Download button in the middle of the page, while most customers tend to look for it at the bottom of the page. The button isn't too big either. This is why it is not unusual to miss this button even if the page loaded correctly.

Note the name and location of the file you download from the net
(Matt R., Wed, Jul 04, 2001 2:27)

I downloaded my order but I can not find it in my computer? Where would it be?
If you cannot locate the downloaded file as suggested in Installation Instructions (e.g. by searching for sm*.exe in Windows), you can simply reorder and write DOWNLOAD PROBLEMS in the Comment field. Your new order will be verified and cancelled with no ensuing charges. Once you proceed with the download, make sure you note to which location you download the file and what is its name. For simplicity, you could best leave the default name unchanged (i.e. sm17inst.exe for SuperMemo 17, etc.)

How do I get rid of the red registration bar?
(Ken Little, USA, Nov 11, 1998)
I read that I am automatically registered upon my purchase; however, I didn't get a password to remove the red stripe and hopefully display other program options I read about. I tried my order number which didn't work. I can't wait to get started in using your program.

  1. You are automatically registered in the customer database and you can start using the program immediately
  2. Within a business day you will receive further instructions that will unlock the program and remove the red bar
  3. You do not need the password to use "other options". It is enough you turn on the professional mode with File : Level : Professional

Unlocking SuperMemo is easy
(Thomas N., Austria, Nov 16, 1998)
You have sent me an e-mail with the password to unlock SuperMemo, but where do I have to fill it in? When I click the red bar, SuperMemo asks me to send e-mail back to you

Your instructions should indicate that you should use File : Installation : Input password to provide the password. You do not have to register your copy. This is done automatically at placing the order. If you have any doubts, please read: Registering SuperMemo

You can install SuperMemo at home and at work
(Roman Jedrkowiak, Poland, Nov 26, 1998)
Once I download SuperMemo, can I later install it on another computer? I want to download from work and install it at home
Yes. You can move the downloaded file to another computer and repeat the installation. Please note that SuperMemo for Windows (2002 and later) requires Internet Explorer 6.0

You can easily install SuperMemo on two PCs
(Steve Brown, Wed, Aug 15, 2001 14:00)
I just recently purchased SuperMemo and have successfully downloaded to my home PC. I would also like to load it on my work PC. How can I get another download going?
You can simply copy the downloaded file onto a flashdrive and transfer it to another PC. Please note that it is not easy to synchronize large collections. The simplest method is to use File : Copy collection and copy entire collections between the two PCs (e.g. over a network, using a CDR or pen drive, via the web, using a removable hard disk, etc.)

You can use one license to use SuperMemo in many locations
Am I able to run two copies of SuperMemo 17 at two different locations? If so, will I need to purchase another licensed copy of SuperMemo?
You can install SuperMemo 17 for your private use on as many machines as you deem necessary. We do not place license restrictions on that. This is to make sure you can use every spare minute for learning. Note that you may still need to move your collections back and forth or divide your learning material into portions allocated to different locations (e.g. Home.kno, Work.kno, etc.)

If you cannot access download servers, write to us
During the installation I see: "Please wait while SuperMemo is being downloaded and installed". But a error dialog pops up that says, "SuperMemo 17 could not be downloaded. All download sites are temporarily unavailable"
If this is not a temporary problem, see if you are connected to the Internet, check your firewall settings, check your proxy server caching options, etc. If this all does not help, write to us to receive further assistance

I cannot run the downloaded file. It has no extension
I downloaded SuperMemo 17 but the file is not runnable (executable). It does not have an extension
Occasionally, your browser may fail to suggest the correct file extension for downloaded files. All you need to do is to rename the file's extension to EXE and run it. 

Some collections from SuperMemo Library use the extension ZIP. 

Errors at unzip stage may indicate a wrongly downloaded file
When installing SuperMemo, I get an error message in German: "sm17zip.exe is not a valid 32-bit Windows application". The same message comes up on collections downloaded from the library
The most likely cause is an error in the downloaded file. The only remedy for such problems is a repeated download

16-bit Windows program message
(Lazaros Nikiforidis, Greece, Wed, Jun 12, 2002 23:47)
I have purchased and downloaded SuperMemo and when I double click the downloaded program, I get the message: "Can't run 16-bit windows program"
This message indicates that the file downloaded with an error. Please download again. Both SuperMemo and the compressed archive are 32-bit. When Windows tries to run the latter, it encounters errors in the file header indicating the program is 16-bit. Hence the problem

How do I unlock the program?
(Bruce Terry, USA, Nov 4, 1998)
I have paid for the program. How do I unlock the program for normal use?
All instructions to new users are sent within a business day since ordering. If you do not get a response within two business days, please e-mail us. Occasionally, customers misspell their e-mail address in the order form. In such cases we wait a couple of days before contacting you via phone (or via snail-mail you you do not specify the phone)

You can input the password with Ctrl+Shift+I
(Thomas N., Austria, Nov 16, 1998)
How do I input my password in SuperMemo?
If you press Ctrl+Shift+I (i.e. capital "i"), you can input your password (unless it has already been input). You can also use File : Installation : Input password to provide the password. 

You can also use SuperMemo without unlocking it. At some point, it will simply ask you to input the password. See also: Unlocking SuperMemo and Installing SuperMemo

What if you do not get a password?
(AnnS, Poland, Wednesday, January 02, 2002 2:13 PM)
Why haven't you sent me any password?
If you do not receive a password within 2-3 days, the most likely reason is you have not specified a correct e-mail return address or the mail has not been delivered. Please send us an e-mail. Quote your order number, registration number or other data that could help identify you as a registered customer. If you have lost all these, please write anyway for further advice. If you have experienced mail delivery problems in the past, it is highly recommended you include your phone number too

I am running out of my credit!
(Jeremy Sherman, USA, Dec 3, 1997)
I have used up 60% of my credit in SuperMemo. How can I continue using the program?
If you have already received your password, unlock the program by using File : Installation : Input password. If you are using an unregistered version from another source write to us. For more see: Registering SuperMemo

How fast do I get the password and the instructions?
(Brian T., Thursday, September 08, 2005 2:10 PM)
I paid for the SuperMemo product yesterday and was wondering when I would get my SuperMemo key? I have a friend at work who said he got it the same day he ordered so I was concerned something may be wrong. Please let me know
Usually it takes a business day to process an order. Receiving the password on the day of the order was probably a lucky timing coincidence. If you do not get your instructions within a business day (i.e. excluding weekends and some holidays), write to us

Business day should not be understood as 24 hours
Vidar Garlie, Norway, Oct 23, 1998)

I haven't yet received a password after paying for SuperMemo yesterday, only an id (605) which apparently didn't work as a password. How can I continue using SuperMemo after my credit expires?
It takes a business day to process an order. This should not be understood as 24 hours. If you order early in the morning one day, we might respond before the evening next day (Central European time). If you order on Friday afternoon, you will most likely receive a response only on Monday. Remember also to factor in the time zones that may compound the delay. Rarely, you will not hear from us due to a misspelled e-mail, e-mail communication problems or other technical problems. In case you have misspelled your e-mail address, you will most likely notice the problem if you do not get an immediate confirmation of your order via autoresponder. If you do not get a response within two business days, please write

I lost my password!
(Reinhard Schueren, Germany, Sep 7, 1998)
I have ordered SuperMemo recently but lost your e-mail with download instructions and the password (due to a PC crash). What shall I do?

Send an e-mail with a request for the instructions to be resent (if possible, quote your order number, or provide an e-mail address that you used when ordering)

I got a wrong password!

I ordered a copy of SuperMemo and received my password. However, on entering my password, it consistently denied it saying it was the wrong password. Could you perhaps please check to see if I was indeed given the correct password?
The two most frequent causes of such a situation are:

  1. Your CapsLock is on
  2. You are trying a password with a wrong version of the program (see Help : About to see which version you are using)

In the latter case, some customers having experienced download problems come back to download older SuperMemo from www.super-memory.com instead of downloading the new SuperMemo from www.super-memo.com

You do not need to remember the unlock password
(Glen, May 04, 2004, 11:29:20)
I have constant problems with unlocking SuperMemo. It should be a simple process which I feel you have made over complex, you download a file, and at one’s leisure enter the key and voila a working product. With SuperMemo, I have to enter the key again and again
You will need your unlock password only if you move SuperMemo to a new location without your learning material. If you input the unlock password, you can freely move your SuperMemo and your learning material to any location. In other words, you can even forget there has ever been a password

You do not need to worry about your password or order number
(Namjoong Kim, Monday, July 15, 2002 2:34 AM)
I am moving programs to a new laptop, SuperMemo now shows the "register it" message. Can I get the password from you again. Can I now upgrade to new SuperMemo?
It should be enough if you move any of your learning files with SuperMemo to retain all registration data. If you have ordered via www.super-memo.com, you can order an upgrade via the same store and choose Automatic (verification) that compares data fields from the old order. If you did not keep a back up of your learning data, or if SuperMemo Store does not recognize you automatically, select "Please help" option during the upgrade or write to to us for assistance. You do not ever need to worry about your unlock password or your order number

Unlock password is sent only upon the verification of payment
(Jason L Mundy, Apr 17, 2005, 13:49:51)
I had to wait to get the unlock password. It seems like this could have been sent with an automated response
The automated response is sent out immediately upon placing the order. Passwords are sent out only upon the authorization on the credit card payment. Before the authorization is requested, all orders are checked clerically for possible errors (e.g. duplicate orders, upgrades, discounts, free downloads, free upgrades, etc.). Once the authorization is requested, it can only be executed in two hour intervals. Authorization servers are not operational in the night (Central European Time). Last but not least, all authorizations are reviewed clerically again (e.g. for stolen credit card alerts, cards that cannot be accepted, cards that require non-electronic authorization, etc.). For those reasons, it usually takes a business day before you receive the unlock password

I am getting asked about the password again and again
(Abrahams, Israel, , Thursday, October 22, 2009 9:35)
Every time I open supermemo it asks me for the unlocking password which you gave me. How do I get it to stop?
Once you insert the password, you should never be asked to insert it again. The password is stored in your learning material. This means that you need to preserve your learning material for use. One of errors users make is to install SuperMemo in temporary folders or running it directly from inside of a zip file. In such cases, you may always create new files on startup without ever having them stored properly on your disk. Be sure you run SuperMemo from a clean own folder that allows of read-write access. Learning material path and SuperMemo path can be displayed in File : Properties (you may need to change File : Level to see this option).

How do I upgrade in the future?
(Patricia Justice, USA, Jan 4, 1998)
How do I upgrade to future versions of SuperMemo?

This is our tradition that we try to make sure our users use the newest version. We believe that this maximizes their satisfaction and the speed with which they spread a word about SuperMemo!
You should save up to 60% on an upgrade. See: SuperMemo Upgrade. Additionally, prices of older versions are usually dramatically reduced on new releases

Upgrades differ in price, not in functionality
(Barbara Hayes, Tue, 12 Feb 2002 01:46:41 +1100)
I received an e-mail saying I ordered an upgrade of SuperMemo, when I ordered a full program (not an upgrade)
Please read it as good news. Upgrades are cheaper and do not differ in functionality from the program ordered the standard way. Not all customers are aware of all upgrade options. If the store detects that an order qualifies for a discount, the discount is automatically applied. In other words, the only difference is that you pay less for the product

Enhancing SuperMemo for Windows with SuperMemo for Pocket PC
(Klara, May 31, 2005, 14:56:58)
I ordered SuperMemo 17. Now I would like to have SuperMemo for Pocket PC. Should I pay for the program again? Is it possible to transfer items from PC to Pocket PC?
SuperMemo for Pocket PC is now freeware. You can transfer your learning material via XML data exchange; however, not all items will be transferred. SuperMemo for Pocket PC currently supports only HTML questions and answers. This means that topics, multi-component items, multimedia components, scripts, executables, etc. will not be usable on Pocket PC. However, your questions and answers should transfer without much trouble (except some advanced features like inter-collection links, scripts, links to local files, etc.)

You do not need your old password to upgrade to the new version
(Carl Taylor, Mon, Jul 09, 2001 5:52 AM)
Can you please resend me my SuperMemo password? I misplaced the original mail message and I want to upgrade to the newest SuperMemo
You can always request the password to be resent; however, you do not need it to upgrade. Once your name on the order matches the original order, the store software will recognize you. Order the upgrade and choose "Automatic (verification)" among options 

I forgot my registration number
(K.A., USA, Dec 18, 1998)
I would like to upgrade to the newest SuperMemo but I forgot my registration number. Can I still upgrade?
Yes. If you ordered from www.super-memo.com, your order will be verified automatically. Otherwise you can specify your order number or the password you used to unlock the program. If you do not have these on your record either, choose the option Please help and we will simply compare your name, e-mail and address for data in the user database

I deleted all my files by accident
(Peter de Vries, Belgium, Dec 14, 1998)
I accidentally deleted all my SuperMemo files. Unfortunately I did not make a backup. Can you help?
You can simply reorder, write FREE DOWNLOAD in the comment field and describe your problem shortly. You can also
write to us and ask for download instructions

You can upgrade your learning material to new SuperMemo
I would like to try SuperMemo 16 prior to purchasing SuperMemo 17. If I create files with SuperMemo 16, can I then easily transfer them to SuperMemo 17?
Yes. All you need to do is to open the old files with the new program. Note however that the upgrade process is irreversible. If you contemplate moving back to SuperMemo 16, create a backup copy of your files before upgrading

SuperMemo Upgrade is fully functional but cheaper

Do I need to buy both SuperMemo 17 and SuperMemo 17 Upgrade in order to use the newest version of SuperMemo?
No. If you are already a user, you can buy only an upgrade. It is functionally identical and much cheaper. However, if you do not qualify for an upgrade, you will need to purchase the full version. Future updates and patches are free within a single line (e.g. SuperMemo 16, SuperMemo 17, etc.). In other words, you do not ever need to worry that you will get an earlier version of the same line that might include some undiscovered bugs. All bug fixes are free

How to optimally buy Windows and Pocket PC upgrades?
I've noticed that you have a newer version of SuperMemo for Windows PCs as well as Pocket PC. Since I purchased both from you in the past, am I eligible for a discounted upgrade?
Yes. All upgrades are subject to substantial discounts. In this particular case, upgrades to SuperMemo 17 are 60% cheaper for repeat customers and SuperMemo for Pocket PC is now free. 

Upgrading SuperMemo using a license passed from a friend
I got my SuperMemo 16 from a friend who had given it up (how can you give up such a useful program?). I want to upgrade it to SuperMemo 17. Problem is I don't know the registration number or the order number
If you specify any data that will help identify the original order, you will receive further instructions to complete the upgrade. That data can also be retrieved from the collections you are using with SuperMemo 16

You can upgrade without having an older SuperMemo installed
(Vince Mooney, , Thursday, October 15, 2009 2:45 AM)
I purchased SuperMemo in around 2004 and operated it on my previous laptop. I would like to upgrade to SuperMemo 17 but load it onto my new laptop. Is this possible? Can I order the upgrade onto my new laptop even though the program does not already exist on that computer?
Yes. You can upgrade to SuperMemo 17 and install it on your new laptop. You do not need the previous installation. Upgrade verification occurs at the time of ordering on the basis of your previous data. If you data has changed, please get in touch via e-mail to have it corrected.

You can test-drive SuperMemo before you buy it
(Troy Arneson, Canada, Wednesday, August 28, 2002 3:47 AM)
Does SuperMemo for Windows have a 1 month trial feature?
SuperMemo can run in a demo mode, but the demo is terminated not by time but by intensity of use. When you use a demo, you are given a credit of 100 points. Once this credit is used up, you will be asked to input the unlock password.
Unfortunately, due to persistent hacking, patch and crack releases, crack tutorials, and even overt password listing on publicly available websites, we provide only trial versions of older SuperMemos. To see SuperMemo in action, please download it here and check the "What's new" link to see the differences between the tested version and the most recent release

Changes to customer address
(Michael, Mon, Feb 18, 2002 4:33)
I made a mistake in ordering SuperMemo. I put a wrong home address. What should I do now?
E-mail your correct address to us. If you ordered the SuperMemo program (download only), your address will manually be corrected in the database. We never send advertising information to your address. Rarely do we use snail-mail in cases were e-mail address loses validity and we cannot contact the customer with vital information (such as software unlock password, etc.)

We do not take part in customer address exchange any more
Piotr Adamik, Poland, Aug 26, 1998)

How can I obtain the list of customers who agreed to make their addresses available to other users?
We no longer keep such a list. It was useful in early years of SuperMemo when it was really hard to get in touch with other users as there weren't many of them. This field on some older registration cards is just a leftover from those early times. Please join SuperMemo Community instead

super-memory.com server is located in the US 
Clive Hayden, Poland, Oct 19, 1998)

Where is your server located? I have problems downloading from Poland (200 bytes per second)
The server is located in the US. In Poland, the net is least congested early in the morning CET (the Poles are not up yet, while North Americans are just going to sleep)

Some older versions of SuperMemo will not work with the library material
(J.P. de Vries, The Netherlands, Nov 4, 1998)
I bought Better English. When I try to open it with SuperMemo I get the message To open this collection you need a newer version of SuperMemo!
Note the message in SuperMemo Library saying that you need at least SuperMemo 98 to use SuperMemo Library material. You have two choices:

  1. Make use of your money back guarantee
  2. Upgrade your SuperMemo to SuperMemo 98 or later

We no longer use printed manuals 
Neville Bailey, Australia, Dec 5, 1998)

I have previously used SuperMemo 6 and SuperMemo 7. There was always a printable manual file with the software. I cannot find anything like that on your website. Is there a manual to download or order?
No. As of 1997, all our documentation is provided as hypertext that does not have a structure that can be printed and processed linearly (i.e. page by page). We are proud to adopt an environmentally-friendly ways of publishing

Despite appearances, SuperMemo is not difficult
Tom Scott, Feb 12, 1999)

I just came across your website. Is it difficult to prepare material for learning with SuperMemo?
No. The most popular approach is to create pairs of questions and answers. You just press Alt+A (to add a new element) and type in the question and the answer. That's all. Then you just click Learn (Ctrl+L) to start learning.

You can build huge collections and learn effectively for years using only text, questions and answers. Adding images, sounds, video, etc. requires some more hard disk space and 2-3 more steps (such as: copy an image to the clipboard and paste it into a SuperMemo element, etc.). Some customers complain that SuperMemo is complex, but this only refers to professional level functions that go beyond learning questions and answers

You can use SuperMemo on a computer that is not connected to the Internet 
Bengt Larsson, Sweden, Apr 1, 1999)

I have two computers of which only one is connected to the Internet. Will I be able to download SuperMemo on one computer and then install it on the other?
Yes. SuperMemo executable file is a little over 8 MB in size (4 MB zipped). You can transfer it on a flashdrive

There is no student version but there are many freeware options
Charles Jin Won Choi, South Korea, Apr 2, 1999)

Do you have an academic version of SuperMemo?
No. We make it possible for students to get SuperMemo in return for writing learning material for SuperMemo Library. There are also freeware versions of SuperMemo

You can run your own course based on SuperMemo without paying for each copy in use
Mark Patterson, USA, Apr 8, 1999)

If I use SuperMemo to author/deliver business training programs, am I required to purchase a separate copy of SuperMemo for each computer the training is delivered on?
No. You can use various forms of site licensing or purchase a replication license to produce your material on CD-ROM

SuperMemo abroad without a PayPal account (#13027)
(Slavko Bobek, Slovenia, Saturday, October 12, 2002 5:02 PM)
I use SuperMemo 7.2. If I decide to upgrade to new SuperMemo, can I buy it from the branch office here in Slovenia. I don't have a PayPal account, so I can't pay over the Internet
If you do not have a PayPal account, write to us. One of the options is to pay by bank transfer. You can also receive the program by contributing your own learning material. Unfortunately, the partner company in Slovenia closed a few years ago

Upgrading from shrink-wrapped SuperMemo
(Pauli Kansanoja, Finland, Nov 9, 1999)

I have SuperMemo version 7 for Windows (serial no: 10701). I would like to update this version to the latest version of SuperMemo. How can I do it?

  1. Go to SuperMemo Upgrade page
  2. Choose Registration number in options
  3. Order the upgrade
  4. In the comment field, write 10701 (your registration number)

It is not easy to simplify the ordering process
(Garry G., Sat, Sep 01, 2001 7:29 AM)
Why did you develop such a complex order process? You should follow the example of Amazon.com 
The order process is outsourced to Aabaco Small Business from Yahoo! and should be considered the state-of-art. The main difference and difficulty as compared with Amazon.com orders is that SuperMemo is a so-called soft-good item, i.e. it must be downloaded by the customer. As the download process is prone to error, the customer must be given several attempts to repeat the procedure in case of busy net traffic, line fault, software error, etc.. This introduces a second layer of complexity due to the need for the customer authentication (downloads cannot be open to unauthorized access). These are only a few of potential ramifications that stem from the present technological status of the Internet. As for the difficulty in installing SuperMemo itself, the responsibility for all complexities rests with us. We keep on looking for options and solutions that would make this process as smooth as possible. Even where there are no shortcuts to be found, we strive at making this up with improved documentation

SuperMemo works under Windows XP/Vista
Does SuperMemo run on MS Windows XP/Vista operating system?
Yes. For more information, see: Minimum requirements

Permission to use SuperMemo on many computers
(Kevin, Germany, May 13, 2004, 10:56:24)
What is a site license?
Site license is a permission to use SuperMemo on many computers at a single location (e.g. school, company, laboratory, etc.). SuperMemo World provides very attractive site licenses that may range in price from free to a few hundred dollars for large institutions

We do not provide support in English via telephone
(Jim Hefling, USA, Feb 26, 1998)
What does +48 stand for in front of your telephone number?

+48 indicates that you have to dial your international exit code and follow it with the country code for Poland which is 48. If you do not know the exit code, call your local telephone company and ask how to dial to Poland. Please note that we are unable to provide support in English via the telephone. Please use this form of contact only in emergencies